Monday, August 9, 2010

How to find and choose the right credit counseling agency

It’s a very important decision when choosing a credit counseling company to handle your unsecured debts. After all you can’t do anything in this country with out good credit. It’s also important for you to know your credit score is how lenders determine what your interest rates will be. Therefore, the credit counseling agency that you choose to work with can have a major impact on your credit score. Below are very good questions and suggestions that you should follow to make sure you have chosen the right agency.

• Check out the agency with the Better Business Bureau, Attorney General’s Office and, your Local Consumer Protection Agency
• Make sure the agency is accredited by an independent agency such as ISO-BSI 9001-2000
• Ask if the agency’s counselors are certified by the Center For Financial Certifications
• Ask how often the agency disburses payments ( you want to make sure they disburse daily) Not monthly! If they disburse monthly you are at a high risk of being late each month
• Make sure the agency is Licensed and Insured
• The agency should provide you with free on going education on how to manage your debts and become debt free
• The agency should provide you with a FREE debt consultation

This may seem like a lot of work but trust me its well worth your time. You don’t want to get yourself into a worse situation. The idea is to get out of debt not fall further into debt. Remember, YOUR CREDIT IS YOUR LIFE!

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